6 Easy Steps to Looking and Feeling Fabulous

What Are You Waiting For?

Get Trimmer, Look Radiant, & Feel Like WOW Fast,
Regardless of Your Age

If you've been waiting to lose the weight. . .

If you've been waiting to have the body, energy, & life you want. . .

If you've been waiting to start taking care of yourself
the way you know you deserve. . .

If you've been waiting so long (maybe even 40+ years)
that you've started to feel like it's time to give up. . .

Then take a moment to ask yourself, “What am I waiting for?”

Because it's never too late.

Your wait can be over now. . . And so can your weight.


Dear Woman Over 40 Who Is Ready for A Change,

I think I may understand a little bit about you.

You may be successful in various areas of your life. You've raised a beautiful family. You've had a stellar career. You've taken care of the people around you with the kind of generosity and love that only a woman can give.

And now, life has changed.

You've looked up recently and realized that you're 40+, and that while you've spent your life serving others. . . you've put yourself on the back burner.

You may be wondering if it's too late to be...

  • Younger
  • Thinner
  • In a better relationship
  • More financially secure

In short, you're wondering if it's too late to do all the things you've always wanted to do.

And it's no wonder! The overwhelming message we women receive from the media (and well-intentioned friends and family) is that it IS too late.

So many women simply give up. They settle for the idea that they're “too old,” and that it's too late to change anything.

One of the main things we end up believing is that it's too late to lose the weight.We're told that it's just something we have to get used to as we move into our 40's, 50's, and beyond.

But if you're here, on this page, you're probably not be the type of woman who will settle for that limiting belief.

The only thing is – fighting the weight loss battle can be frustrating (especially when the world tells you that 40+ is when you're supposed to just give up). And there's a good chance you've been fighting this battle for a long time already.

  • Well, my friend, I hear your frustration loud and clear. . .You want to be done with feeling like a failure, as if your body isn’t “you” anymore.You’re tired of feeling tired. . . and of feeling like you’re missing out on life. You're sad that you’ve lost confidence in yourself.
  • You’re overwhelmed with all the dos and don’ts that seem impossible to follow.
  • You are simply fed up with the same old up and down yo-yo diets that never stick.
  • You feel alone, because consulting with an expert seems too unaffordable and just plain complicated.

And you're sure as hell  tired of hearing that women over 40 are just stuck with whatever extra weight they currently have.

Well, I have some exciting news for you. . .

Your wait is over. Finally.

And the confidence to have your best, healthiest body (and have the relationship or the job that seems to be there for everyone else), is only 42 days away.

That's right. In just 6 short weeks, you could already be enjoying a trimmer, more energetic you.

And the best part?

You'll be part of an elite group of women who are actively redefining what it means to be a woman at a certain age.

Please read on to get all the details…

You’re only 42 days—and just 6 steps-- away. You’re so close.

Then you’re so ready for

    • YOUR turn to look and feel the way you’ve been yearning to. Now.bigstock-Beautiful-woman-with-playful-y-12136166
    • YOUR time to stop procrastinating until the perfect moment arrives. Now.
    • YOUR time to “cut to the chase” and get the help you need. Now.
    • YOUR turn to know what’s going on with your body, especially if you’re over 40. Now.
    • YOUR time to feel and look the way you want and deserve—fabulous! NOW.

    If You’ve Been Waiting for a Different Mind-Body Solution to Your Weight and Happiness, It’s Here Right Now.

    I know it can be confusing when one diet book tells you one thing, and then a TV expert tells you the opposite...and then the latest health magazine says something else entirely, too.

    That's why I’ve meticulously (and happily) done all the “heavy lifting” for you. I've scoured the research, diet books, and countless programs to present the best of the best – the “Cliff Notes,” if you will. This way, you have clear, concise, up-to-date information without the annoying confusion and contradictions that seem to appear in every new program every day.

    I've also pulled from my own work with clients over the last 20 years, so I know what works and what doesn't work on real women, with real bodies (and with real lives to take into consideration).

    I've taken all of this research and work, and combined it into an easily accessible program, that you can do from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace.Let’s get started: You’ll gain the motivation, clarity, tools, templates, and the steps you need to rediscover that person you know is there, waiting inside to come forth! (Let me tell you, I know…I’ve been there, and now that I'm here, on the other side of 40 with these tools, it’s never felt better.)

    Think about it, you’re just 42 days away.


    Close your eyes and picture yourself…how you’ll look, eat, move, feel, and think differently.

    What will your life look like if you aren’t all consumed with your weight, the scale, and food? What would you be able to attain, to focus on, to do? Push aside the procrastination, the excuses, and the sabotaging beliefs that get you in your own way.

    Believe that this vision is so much more than a dream but a real, attainable possibility for you. Here’s why…

    I holistically combine the best of East and West… bigstock-Day-SPa-26206928

    In Western medicine, we tend to focus on what we eat. Eastern medicine recognizes that it's also about what you think, where you stand in your relationships, and how you feel – it's about the WHOLE person.

    As a nationally board-certified Oriental medicine practitioner and a certified nutritional expert with my own Wellness Center in New York City, I bring you the best guidance from both worlds – from holistic, cutting edge approaches, to timeless, and carefully researched tips, strategies, and guidance – to bring you balance, self-confidence, and health from the inside out.

    This combination makes this program different from the other weight loss programs you've seen and tried in the past. I help you not only to learn about the nutritional side of weight loss, but also the emotional and internal side. (Because if one thing is off, it will prevent you from experiencing a harmonious flow in anything you do.)

    It’s a Win/Win.

    bigstock-Happy-family-playing-on-beach-27386381I’ve got the WIN waiting for you

    ...you, feeling back in control with an inner smile.

    ...you, feeling leaner in your clothes faster.

    ...you, respecting yourself again.

    ...you, opening the doors to abundance and joy.

    And, most importantly,

    ...you, sleeker, happier, energetic, and healthy—at every age.

    Allow me to introduce…

    The Weight Is Over Now:
    42 Days to Weightloss, Wellness, and WOW!

    A 6-week weight loss program designed specifically for
    women 40+ who are not ready to succumb to the world's ideas
    of who she is “supposed” to be.

    You’ll receive:

    6 weekly modules of information, support,
    and accountability, delivered straight to your inbox –
    so you'll have the how-to right at your fingertips.

    The modules include handouts, templates, and takeaways for you to download and keep – so you'll be able to work at your own pace, gain a deeper understanding of yourself, and come back to the material over and over again (Value $1,500)

    With Bonuses …

    bigstock-Smiling-young-woman-on-the-pho-24840257#1. Two Live Q & A Calls

    You’ll have 2 opportunities to bring your personal challenges and questions to get answers directly from me. Don't forget to bring an open mind and a pen for notes in the comfort of your own home, office—or wherever you are.

    Note: Some of the best advice and direction that I have ever received was from listening to others. I know you’ll want that too, even if you can't think of a question for yourself. So all of these calls will be recorded for you to keep. (Value $500)

    #2. Healthy Eating Guidelines 

    The exact same guidelines I give my private VIP coaching clients (Value $197).

    #3. An Invaluable Support Group of People

    You'll have access to our private, dedicated Facebook forum page. (It’s important to be with a community of people who are going through parallel issues. Isolation is the quickest way to get off track – sharing and celebrating with others is the quickest way to get back on!) (Value $200)

    #4 Unlimited Email Access to Me

    Throughout the program, you'll be able to shoot me a quick email when you hit those “Ahhh, what do I do?” moments, as well as to celebrate. Most coaches reserve this kind of access for their private clients, but I know how important it is to have access to someone you can trust while you try to make changes in your life – so I'm giving it to you! (Priceless)

    PLUS a SPECIAL BONUS to support you in effectively applying what you have learned to YOUR life…

    #5. One Private 30-minute “The Weight Is Over” Session

    This is a call with just you and me, in between modules 4 and 5 – so we can talk about how you can continue on with these steps and guidelines in your life, even after the program is over. ($250 Value)

    If this already sounds like something you're ready to jump on, click on the button below to get started now.


    First, I want you to do due diligence and investigate.

    (Warning: This May Be Painful for Just a Minute.)

    Take an Honest Look at the COST to you if you stay right where you are today…

    bigstock-stop-excuses-tell-the-truth-t-43251490xStill feeling bloated, heavy, and uncomfortable.

    xStill feeling stuck and “less than” for having procrastinated again.

    xStill hiding behind those dowdy, “forgiving” clothes.

    xStill unable to have the energy and mobility to keep up the pace.

    xStill having health issues that will likely worsen as time goes on.

    xStill lacking focus and vitality in your daily life.

    And most importantly,

    xStill minimizing your potential for a joyful, healthy life, no matter your age.

    Doesn’t feel great, does it?

    Instead, Allow Me to Take You by the Hand for 42 Days and Guide You with Rock-Solid Support Through the 6 Steps to a Newly Empowered, Trimmer You!

    About Me...

    I’m Roberta Mittman, L.Ac. I believe that EVERY woman has the option to be able to move ahead in life, fearlessly, with confidence, health, and energy – regardless of her age.

    I know, because I've done it for myself. As an empty nester, I went back to school, and then founded a 6-figure business for myself.

    Just when the world was starting to tell me that I no longer mattered, that it was time to say goodbye to my dreams and head out to pasture, I recreated my own life – after 40!

    It's now my mission to help other women do the same, starting with their health.

    Just because we are over 40 doesn't mean we aren't brilliant, innovative, capable, or sexy.

    We deserve to feel younger, thinner, loved, and secure. . . And we CAN.

    Over the years, I’ve worked with thousands of patients both in person at my Park Avenue Center for Wellbeing in New York City, and virtually, across the U.S. and Canada to help them quickly achieve weight loss, wellness and the WOW (that’s the juicy “cherry on the top”).

    I am a licensed acupuncturist, lifestyle and nutritional consultant, virtual wellness coach, and author of Ultimate Wellness: The 3 Mindset Shifts You Can Make to Change the Course of Your Health Right Now.

    Here’s the Win: Using holistic mind/body approaches, I have helped hundreds  of patients to reach their weight and health goals, and now I’m ready to offer my clinical experience to help you on both recorded modules and live calls designed to accelerate healthy weight loss with sustainable success – the kind that KEEPS the weight off!

    I've brought it all together for you in a breakthrough, self-guided program – The Weight Is Over: 42 Days to Wellness, Weight Loss, and WOW.In this program, you'll learn the 6 steps to successful weight loss – which leads to a newly empowered version of you.

    My goal is not only to relieve you of your current imbalance or discomfort, but also to help you in creating and implementing a personalized plan for preventative care, and to empower you to be your own best healer.

    Here’s the Win:
    Now it’s YOUR turn to shine.

    From the convenience of wherever you are.
    And at your own pace.

    "I’ve made life changes,
    and I’m loyal to you for the rest of time."

    "Working with Roberta has made such a dramatic difference in my life. Roberta has helped me with weight reduction, my immune system and overall health and wellbeing. I find working with Roberta to be fun, doable, and above all, I’ve seen results—39 pounds so far—and I’m even impressed myself!

    "Previously, I was on a strict diet, missed foods, and gained the weight back over time, but together with Roberta, we have worked on finding a food plan that keeps me satisfied and not deprived, with portions that are reasonable, and including the foods that I enjoy. I’m doing so well that not only have I had to have my pants taken in, but I have just lowered my medication for the second time. Those are results I am so happy with…I know there are even more on the way."

    A.G., New York, NY

    Ready to go? Just register here to get started…


    In my practice, I’ve worked with hundreds of individuals just like you. We’ve found the breakthroughs to success time after time. Is this program right for YOU?

    But I understand that you may still wonder, “Is this program right for ME?”

    YOU’LL know it’s time for The Weight Is Over Now if you’ve been struggling with ANY of the following issues in this list and say, “That’s me!”

      • You’ve been tossing at night wondering if “your time” to look and feel better will ever come.
        Translation: You’re feeling tired, confused, and stuck with worn-out, limiting beliefs.

      • You’re discouraged by previous failed attempts to lose weight and get healthy.
        Translation: Maybe you’re just flawed. Over 40? This is a big one!

      • You’ve tried every self-help diet book and program out there.
        Translation: They left you feeling hungry and even heavier.

      • You’ve always wanted to speak to someone qualified to help but it’s too expensive.
        Translation: You didn’t know where to look for this assistance—until now.

      • Diet food choice on whiteYou’re confused about what, when, and how much to eat…for REAL results.
        Translation: You want expert help handling cravings and making great choices.

      • You hate having to cover up with baggy, formless, “forgiving” clothes.
        Translation: You wished you could feel better about looking in the mirror.

      • You always seemed to gain back lost weight in the past.
        Translation: You haven’t discovered the key to true weightloss—sustainability—until now.

      • You’re concerned about feeling deprived and miserable.
        Translation: You’re concerned this will be uncomfortable as with past efforts.

      • You can’t perform tasks efficiently at work and just can’t seem to focus.
        Translation: You’re leaving $ on the table that could be in your pocket.

      • You find yourself irritable and cranky with your family.
        Translation: The results are less patience and more guilt.

      • You feel that everyone is getting results—except for you.
        Translation: You feel alone and flawed.

      • You’re over-giving, over-serving, and the last item on your “to do” list is you.
        Translation: When is it your turn?

      • You feel as if you’ll have to go through the weightloss process alone.
        Translation: You won’t know what to do, and when, like before.

      • You don’t know who to share your questions and concerns about weight with.
        Translation: You’re missing essential, rock-steady support and informed guidance—until now.

    Sound familiar? Yes, I get it.

    Let me tell you that you are NOT alone,
    and here is the SOLUTION WAITING JUST FOR YOU.


    "I Hadn’t Been That Size Since High School!"

    wio-CarolynBerg“For the last few years, I was feeling pretty bad about myself. I had gained all the weight back that I’d lost a few years prior. I wasn’t eating healthfully, was making excuses for it, and simply wasn’t happy physically. My clothes didn’t fit right and I didn’t like looking at myself in pictures anymore.

    “Then, in the spring of 2011, I met Roberta Mittman at a workshop we were both attending, and that pretty much changed my way of life. I tried to pretend with her that everything was fine and that I was healthy, etc., but after speaking with her on the phone for the first time, I realized that I could really open up to her. She has such a caring way about her that I knew I could trust her and seek her assistance.

    “Roberta started me on a weightloss program; however, little did I know that the approach wasn’t just about weightloss—it was about a new way of looking at food and exercise and what those meant to me. As we went on, I came to realize that I was no longer “dieting.” I had a new way of eating. Roberta taught me that I was in control of what I ate and that I could be responsible about it. She taught me when to recognize I was full and to read labels carefully so I knew exactly what I was eating. She also helped me find some very yummy recipes by really listening to what I liked to eat and didn’t like. When we formed a game plan together, I felt as if she was really my partner and I could lean on her whenever I needed help.

    “After only a few short months of working with Roberta and staying committed to my goal, I went from a size 10/12 to a size 6! I hadn’t been that size since high school! I was totally shocked and in complete disbelief when I went on a little shopping spree to find that even the size 8s were too big for me. Size 8 was the smallest size I had been able to fit into in recent years, so seeing the size 6 pants on me put me over the edge with delight. My family is still shocked every time they see me, and I get compliment after compliment from my husband, who even went out and bought me some great new clothes to have fun on the town with him.

    “Roberta truly cares about my success and always makes herself available for my support. She and I worked together to make this happen and she never lets me forget my accomplishments. I feel terrific about how I look and I’m so excited to say that I no longer `diet.’ I have a new way of eating, and this is my life now.

    “Thank you, Roberta, for all that you’ve done and for all that you continue to do for me. I could never have had this mindset without you and I truly appreciate your support.”

    Carolyn Berg, CyberOffice Solutions, LLC

    The Weight Is Over Now will finally allow you to experience what it’s like to…

      • bigstock-Hispanic-woman-celebrating-and-37498093Drop the pounds that have been hanging on way too long ( especially if you’re over 40).

      • Feel happier “in your own skin.”

      • Find support and help no matter what age you are.

      • Look trim and healthy and wear clothes that fit.

      • Wake up feeling rested and refreshed.

      • Learn the best, most time-efficient ways to exercise.

      • Discover the secrets of what to eat—and when—for your schedule and your body’s demands.

      • Speak with a skilled health professional who will guide you step by step.

      • Feel successful and empowered because you see results quickly—at last.

      • Model self-care and healthful living for your family.

      • Take off the results of holiday splurges that just keep adding up year after year.

      • Enjoy the benefits of listening to and learning from me and from others in the program.

    Here’s the Win: Stop waiting to drop the weight and experience new levels of self-esteem and pride after taking control of life by mastering the 6 steps to successful weightloss.

    "I Am in Control of My Eating Habits"

    wio-JeffL“Working with Roberta over a number of months, I’ve lost between 15 and 18 pounds. In addition to that, my body has changed. A 34 waist was tight when I started, but now my 32s are loose. I can also go off my regimen on the weekends, and sometimes even during the week without skipping a beat. I started the detox plan in September 2010 and stayed on the meal plan once I ended the full detox. After a few weeks on that plan, the weight started to fall off. I worked out a little more regularly, but nothing crazy.

    “I felt great on the new meal plan. Eating `clean’ eliminated my cravings, and I didn’t feel hungry all the time as I had before. This was enough incentive to stick with it, especially when I started going off the plan on weekends, filling my cravings without putting on weight or even giving up what I did that week. Yet on weekends when I started eating pizza and other stuff I used to love, these foods didn’t taste as good as they did before I changed my meal plan. I also felt satisfied after I ate two pieces, rather than my usual four or five. In addition, I was eager for Monday to come so I could go back to eating and drinking clean again. I knew then that for the first time in my life, I was in control of my eating habits.”

    Jeff L, Trader, NY

    "I felt good about the way I looked.
    I couldn’t have done it without Roberta’s help."

    wio-Nicole“Roberta was, and has continued to be, an incredible partner and resource in my ongoing battle of the bulge. I first came to Roberta in January 2010 to get some help in dropping pounds before my May 2010 wedding.

    I’d tried everything–limiting fat and calories in what I ate and working out regularly. Numerous doctors had tried telling me to eat less and exercise more (I was eating 1,500 calories or less per day and working out five days a week – REALLY?!)–and nothing was making any difference (not even a few pounds). From my first meeting with Roberta, she truly listened to me, and helped me find solutions that were realistic for my lifestyle.

    She worked to get me the results I wanted–including encouraging me to eat more! By my wedding day, I had dropped almost 20 pounds, and for the first time that I can remember, I felt good about the way I looked. I couldn’t have done it without Roberta’s help, and I continue to see her to maintain the results and achieve new goals.”

    Nicole B.
    PR Consultant
    New York, NY

    "She’s an expert at getting to the
    'WHYs' of your challenges,
    and not just the 'whats'"

    wio-KimberlyBates“Thanks to Roberta, my intake of refined sugar is down by 90 percent. I rarely get `the shakes,’ I’m finding a way to get my 10,000 steps a day, and five pounds just melted off. I’ve also got a new understanding of the food and mood relationship.

    “The thing about working with Roberta is that she gives you SO much more than what you expect. Yes, you’ll get fantastic, practical help dealing with your health issues, but as a (w)holistic practitioner, she’s an expert at getting to the ‘WHYs’ of your challenges, and not just the `whats.’ It’s like the difference between someone reading to you and their teaching you to read. Add a hefty dose of cheerleader, and working with Roberta is like having your own personal support system.”

    Kimberly Bates
    The Dream Designer


    The Curriculum...

    Module 1

    Here’s your weightloss itinerary
    and the destination.

      • Discover how to jumpstart your weight loss beginning today right from where you are now.
      • Learn the 6 steps that comprise a successful weight loss plan.
      • Learn what really counts when it comes to keeping the weight off.
      • Uncover what small changes will magnify into real, huge results.
      • Decide if a detoxification program might be right for you—plus find out what it means and what’s involved.
      • Find out some of the real reasons why you’ve gained the weight back—and then some!
      • And more!

    Here’s the Win: Learn the 3 things you must do to be successful this time. Inspirational.

    Module 2

    It’s about the food… and so much more!

      • Become aware of eating “tricks of the trade” that work every time.
      • Shape your optimized, Personalized Fuel Mix for maximum energy and balance.
      • Finally cut through the confusion and make real-life, real-time decisions about eating.
      • Gain valuable shortcuts to knowing the when and how much to eat—wherever.
      • Craft a practical eating plan that’s sustainable for YOU.
      • And more...

    Here’s the Win: Knowing what to eat is only the beginning. Get solid information NOW on navigating through your busy life with quick, easy food choices that really work. Monumental.

    Module 3

    Conquer cravings now.

      • Identify why they happen and to YOU.
      • Uncover your food triggers and cravings and learn the secrets of how to overcome them.
      • Surprise! Discover how they reveal valuable information to guarantee future success. (What is your body really looking for?)
      • Use my 4-letter PG-rated word to stop cravings in their tracks.
      • And more...

    Here’s the Win: We all have cravings. Recognizing them, knowing what to do, and effectively managing them are crucial for weightloss success. This is your chance to finally get a grip on them!

    Module 4

    Sleep and exercise…
    why you need them both to lose weight

      • Learn what happens to your weightloss efforts when you’re exhausted from lack of sleep.
      • Find new ways to gain the most restorative sleep.
      • Learn the newest research findings on how to exercise smarter, not harder.
      • Gain awareness of easy, new ways to add exercise to your daily routine, without equipment.
      • And more...

    Here’s the Win: Like it or not, these two variables can make or break your weightloss success. Let’s make them finally work for you!

    Module 5

    Ditch the negativity and think self-supporting thoughts.

      • Explore your thinking—it can determine how you feel, as well as sabotage successful results.
      • Make friends with the positive changes that you’re achieving.
      • Make mindset shifts that not only last but that alleviate unnecessary stress.
      • Learn how your thinking has held you back in the past and set you up for failure.
      • And more...

    Here’s the Win: Exchange those self-sabotaging “tapes” in your brain for new self-talk that builds self-esteem, confidence, and further positive action. Powerful!

    Module 6

    Stay on track while moving forward to stay successful.

      • Learn secrets for navigating potential pitfalls, including holidays, family gatherings, parties, and of course, stress.
      • Discover how to stay balanced for continued success.
      • Find out what happens when life and stress “get in the way”—be trained to use real-life strategies that work.
      • Hear how to incorporate healthful living and sound eating moving forward.
      • Learn to finally ask for and get support when necessary.
      • And more...

    Here’s the Win: Armed with new information, solid plans, realistic goals, and renewed momentum, you’ll have confidence, a stronger feeling of self-worth, and a trimmer body. It’s a Win/Win!

    All 6 modules, full of self-guided information, support, and accountability, come directly to your inbox each week.

    They also include handouts, templates, and takeaways for you to download and keep.

    In addition to the 6 modules, you get these bonuses. . .


    #1. Two Live Q & A Calls

    You’ll have 2 opportunities to bring your personal challenges and questions to get answers directly from me. Don't forget to bring an open mind and a pen for notes in the comfort of your own home, office—or wherever you are.

    Note: Some of the best advice and direction that I have ever received was from listening to others. I know you’ll want that too, even if you can't think of a question for yourself. So all of these calls will be recorded for you to keep. (Value $500)

    #2. Healthy Eating Guidelines 

    The exact same guidelines I give my private VIP coaching clients (Value $197).

    #3. An Invaluable Support Group of People

    You'll have access to our private, dedicated Facebook forum page. (It’s important to be with a community of people who are going through parallel issues. Isolation is the quickest way to get off track – sharing and celebrating with others is the quickest way to get back on!) (Value $200)

    #4 Unlimited Email Access to Me

    Throughout the program, you'll be able to shoot me a quick email when you hit those “Ahhh, what do I do?” moments, as well as to celebrate. Most coaches reserve this kind of access for their private clients, but I know how important it is to have access to someone you can trust while you try to make changes in your life – so I'm giving it to you! (Priceless)

    PLUS a SPECIAL BONUS to support you in effectively applying what you have learned to YOUR life…

    #5. One Private 30-minute “The Weight Is Over” Session

    This is a call with just you and me, in between modules 4 and 5 – so we can talk about how you can continue on with these steps and guidelines in your life, even after the program is over. ($250 Value)

    "Roberta is one of the few practitioners I have met, in either holistic or traditional medicine, who combines the rare qualities of true compassion with unparalleled excellence in her clinical field."

    “Roberta has cared for many of my own patients and is able to complement the improvements we can make with western medicine with the addition of acupuncture and holistic approaches.

    “Working with Roberta has been a true pleasure for both myself and my patients.”

    Jacqueline Jones, M.D.
    Best Doctors in New York 2000-2010
    Best Doctors in America 2005-2010

    Finally, Your Wait …and Your Weight is over Now!

    Ready for the WIN in Your life Starting Right Now?

    Okay, so how much does The Weight Is Over Now cost?

    My private clients pay multiple thousands of dollars to work with me 1-on-1, but I know that's just not feasible for everyone.

    I also believe that money should NOT be a reason why you're not able to have the body and life you want (and deserve!).

    So, while you would normally have to hire me for private coaching to get access to me, my email inbox, and my 6-step system to lasting weight loss, I've bundled the best-of-the-best into this easily accessible program.

    If you add up all of the components and bonuses, the value of the program is $2,497.00

    But, like I said, I don't want money to hold you back from recreating YOUR life.

    So your truly skinny price today is just $397

    And to make it even easier for you, I'm giving you
    the option of paying in 2 installments of $209.

    Just click the button below to get started now,
    and you'll be taken to a page with your installment options.


    guaranteeNo Risk Guarantee: Receive the first two modules, and if you are not completely satisfied, provide written notice requesting a refund to support@robertamittman.com BEFORE the THIRD module, and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Every penny.

    I truly believe that every woman has the option to recreate her life, at any age. For many of us, weight loss is the first step – but it can be a HUGE step, one that we've tried to take over and over again in the past.

    Which is why having the right guidance and support while you take that step can make all the difference in the world.

    I do hope you'll allow me to join you as you take that first step to weight loss and recreating YOUR life.

    Take care,
    Roberta Mittman

    P.S. I know many of you may be wondering if this is going to be just another weight loss program that “sits on your shelf.” Maybe you’re imagining how great it would’ve been if all those OTHER online diets and books actually worked for you. The truth is that for many of you, it’s having the self-guided format, laser-like focus, templates, information, personalized and community support, and accountability that will make the weight loss, wellness, and juicy WOW happen for you this time. And I stand right behind it—and you. Hope to see you there!
